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 The 7 Key Elements 

Moving from a traditional classroom setup to one built on active learning principles can seem a daunting task. Active learning comprises many areas, encompassing a number of inter-connected elements.


Active Learning Consulting aims to make this process easier for teachers by breaking down active learning into a manageable set of 7 key elements. Together, these 7 key elements strengthen personal relevance, foster decision-making and deepen engagement with what the students are learning. They form the bedrock of active learning.  


This is not meant as an exhaustive list of all the facets of Active Learning. Rather, the 7 Key Elements provide schools a highly effective foundation upon which to build an active learning classroom community.

Active Learning Consulting works with teachers and administrators to develop ways to plan for each of these 7 elements to become, regularly and reliably, part of daily teaching and learning. By breaking down active learning to these 7 elements, it is possible to work on discrete elements of practice, give attention to each one, and work gradually to strengthen each element. Concrete support and resources are provided for each element. 


Choices, empowerment, decision-making, significant input on direction of learning, study of personal interests

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Exploring different ways of demonstrating understanding, freedom to express new ideas and ways of showing


Assuming different roles, developing leadership skills, building consensus, persuading, working with global teams

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Reflection, critical thinking, framing issues as questions, open-ended questions

Engagement with society

Engaging with global/local issues, considering multiple perspectives, taking action

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Presenting, writing, curating, publishing, digital tools mastery, oral presentation skills

Deep study

Construing meaning, reflection, conceptual thinking, employing data, making connections, tackling open-ended problems

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