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 What is "active learning"? 


Active learning is about voice, ownership and autonomy

An active learning classroom puts the learner front-and-centre. Rather than be a passive recipient of knowledge, the active learner is busily engaged in developing their personal understanding, honing their soft skills, exercising their creativity, collaborating with classmates and hearing their "voice" heard and respected.

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Devolved learning 

Active learning is a type of education in which the students are taking an active role in shaping the direction of their own learning, rather than passively following the teacher’s strict directions or an inflexible lesson plan. The power to shape and plan their own learning and to construct their own meaning is far more devolved in an active learning classroom.

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Guided, not told

Through an environment of collaboration and cooperation, students are given the encouragement, guidance and confidence to make more choices about their learning and work more independently. This way, they develop their collaborative abilities, creativity, expression, thinking skills and leadership potential.


Autonomous Decision-makers

There are many different aspects of an education that is centred around the student’s personal needs, interests and development. Active Learning starts with the premise that students thrive by being given many opportunities to make choices and decisions regarding the direction of their learning.

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