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 Working with schools 


There are a number of ways that Active Learning Consulting can help your school. Each school has different needs so the first thing is to work together to establish your goals and success criteria for the support. This initial conversation is free of charge and is typically a virtual meeting at a convenient time to you. Through this initial meeting, a plan can be agreed upon for the support you require. Engagements can be:

  • short duration e.g. to do a short training session or develop a planner 

  • medium duration e.g. for example, planning some units of study, working on assessment documents, accreditation with an international programme

  • extended duration e.g. working with a school on a monthly basis on general school improvement, training and planning


Successful change or planning is most often the result of open, collaborative conversation. The first step is to link the school’s core beliefs and goals with curriculum and practice. Frequently, speaking with an external consultant can stimulate deeper reflection and evaluation of current practice. Together, we identify areas for improvement to help us meet the school’s goals. We also explore the school’s strengths and resources.

Active Learning Consulting will help your school devise the necessary structures and documentation (policies, plans, procedures, schedules, etc.) that will and to enable the students and teachers to achieve those goals more reliably.

One advantage of working with Active Learning Consulting is that there is no need for any English documentation or translation—all work and documentation is in Japanese.


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